The Children

Embracing the Broken: A Journey of Love and Healing

Copyright 2017 – Rebecca Nietert

Three years ago, when I was asked if I would love them like they’re my own, I had no idea of the magnitude of that commitment. I simply wanted to be part of the village that could help raise these kids. Little did I know that they had come to me carrying the weight of brokenness, longing for the love and stability they had been deprived of. In this heartfelt blog, I will recount the challenges and rewards of taking on the responsibility of nurturing children who had known little but instability and uncertainty.

A Broken Foundation:

The absence of constant parental attention had left deep wounds on these children’s hearts. They struggled academically, their behavior exhibited signs of their pain, and they found solace in sucking the life out of every fleeting moment, believing that all people who enter our lives eventually leave. It was clear that they craved something more, something stable and lasting.

The Power of Unconditional Love:

Amidst their brokenness, it became evident that their parents had loved them dearly. It was this foundation of love that provided a glimpse of the good within them, buried beneath layers of insecurity and doubt. With unconditional love as the guiding principle, I embarked on a journey to create a nurturing environment where they could heal and grow into their true potential.

Embracing the Role of Authority:

For these children to find stability, a balance needed to be found between love and discipline. As the authority figure in their lives, it was my responsibility to set boundaries, establish routines, and teach them important life skills. This delicate balance allowed them to feel secure while also instilling a sense of accountability and self-respect.

A Village Built on Support:

Recognizing the enormity of the task at hand, it became clear that it takes more than one person to mend the broken pieces. Creating a village of support became imperative. Seeking guidance from therapists, educators, and other caregivers enriched their experience, allowing them to blossom under a community committed to their well-being.

Finding Healing and Growth:

Over time, as these children felt the unwavering commitment of love surrounding them, they began to heal. Their academic performance improved, their behavior stabilized, and a newfound sense of belonging emerged. It was within this safe space that they started to believe in the possibility of lasting relationships and a future filled with unconditional love.


Taking on the responsibility of nurturing broken children is not for the faint of heart. It requires immense love, dedication, and a deep understanding of the lasting impact that stability and unwavering support can have on their lives. By creating an environment rooted in love and embracing the role of authority, we can offer broken children a chance to heal, grow, and rewrite their narratives.

We must remember that the strength of the village lies in its ability to provide a safe and nurturing space, a place where brokenness can be mended and hearts can find solace. May we all be inspired to open our arms wide and embrace those in need, helping them rediscover the beauty and resilience within themselves.