Human Interest, Inspiration, Revelations

Title: The Healing Power of Compassion: A Journey as a Cancer Caregiver

Copyright 2024 – Rebecca Nietert

Life’s unexpected turns often lead us down unfamiliar paths, challenging us to discover new strengths and depths of compassion. As a caregiver for a cancer patient, I have embarked on a profoundly transformative journey, one that has taught me the true meaning of empathy, resilience, and the healing power of human connection. I will share my personal narrative, highlighting the challenges, triumphs, and invaluable lessons I have learned walking alongside a loved one during their battle against cancer.

The Diagnosis: A Moment That Changed Everything:

It started with a visit to the doctor’s office, a routine check-up that descended into a whirlwind of fear and disbelief. I was sitting on her couch when she received the devastating news. The word “cancer” echoed through the room, shattering our world into a million pieces. As a caregiver, my role abruptly transformed from being a pillar of support to becoming a steadfast advocate for my loved one’s health and well-being.

Navigating the Medical Maze:

Cancer became more than just a disease; it became a labyrinth of medical jargon, treatment options, and emotions. My memories unfold as I recall the countless hours spent researching, attending appointments, and consulting with medical professionals. Through it all, I became a beacon of hope for my loved one, providing her with the reassurance and guidance she needed to make informed decisions.

The Daily Battles and Unwavering Support:

In the midst of surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments, my true essence of caregiving emerged. There were numerous struggles of witnessing physical pain and emotional turmoil, and the constant battle against despair. Yet, it is also a story of strength and unconditional love, as I remained resolute in my commitment to provide unwavering support, a steady hand to hold, and a shoulder to lean on.

The Power of Connection and Compassion:

I recall the transformative moments of connecting with other cancer patients and their caregivers. Sharing stories of hope, vulnerability, and resilience forged bonds that transcended the boundaries of disease. Together, we celebrated victories, offered solace during setbacks, and found solace in the understanding that we were not alone in our journeys.

Being a caregiver for a cancer patient is a profound and life-altering experience. It is a journey intertwined with moments of overwhelming sadness, unspeakable fears, and relentless determination. Yet, amidst the darkness, I have discovered an unparalleled capacity for compassion, strength, and personal growth.

I am reminded of the words of Helen Keller: “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” As a caregiver, I have come to realize the importance of a support network, both for the patient and for oneself. It is through these connections that we find solace, hope, and the courage to navigate the challenges of a cancer diagnosis.

In light of this journey, I am grateful for the lessons learned, the resilience gained, and the opportunity to make a difference in the life of a loved one. Being a caregiver for a cancer patient has shown me the invaluable power of compassion, reaffirming the belief that even amidst the darkest of times, love and empathy can illuminate the path to healing.


Timeless Charade – The Dance Through Generations

Copyright 2024 – Rebecca Nietert

Well, isn’t it just absolutely delightful how people can be so wonderfully inconsistent? I mean, it’s truly puzzling how fairness seems to be a concept lost on some individuals. Take my lifetime of experience, for instance (not that anyone asked for it). I’ve come to realize that being a “safe” person, you know, someone who doesn’t judge and can handle a few offenses without losing their mind, apparently gives others the right to give me all sorts of unsolicited advice. They will kindly inform me of what I should do, how to think, and even how to live my life. Oh, the joy!

However, let’s not forget that these same people, who are far from being paragons of safety, have an astonishing aversion to receiving any form of criticism or suggestions from anyone, including yours truly. Heaven forbid anyone dares to approach them in an authoritative manner. The mere thought of it sends them into a fit of rage, causing them to either explode, abandon me, yell, shame me, or act like spoiled children denying any wrongdoing. Apparently, reality checks are simply not on their menu.

Yet, the moment I dare to set my own boundaries and stand up for myself, I am faced with the burdensome responsibility of waging an emotional war. Isn’t that special? It’s positively maddening! I mean, wouldn’t it be just fabulous if people could simply say, “Oh, well, fair enough, I won’t do that again”? You know, like I do! But alas, it seems I am surrounded by a tribe of individuals who prefer to dance to their own tune, heedless of fairness or accountability.

Ah, the joys of dealing with such inconsistencies. It truly is a remarkable experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Who needs fairness and logical discourse anyway? It’s much more exciting to navigate the treacherous waters of emotional turmoil and one-sided expectations. Really, it’s the stuff dreams are made of. Not!

To the emotionally stunted high schoolers, it’s time for a reality check! We’ve long skipped the melodramatic halls of high school. And guess what? It’s a revelation that took me a stunning 60 years to grasp. Brace yourselves, because here it is: you don’t have to like me, and I don’t have to like you. Mind-blowing, isn’t it?

I used to think there was something fundamentally wrong with me if I didn’t fancy someone’s company. I mean, come on, if the whole world adored them, surely I was missing something, right? But no, it finally clicked that maybe they see something entirely different. And you know what? That’s not my problem. Some individuals, bless their hearts, are experts in deliberate nastiness. They grant themselves the golden ticket to act horribly with zero remorse. Accountability? Psh, they don’t even know what that means. Your unwavering, non-judgmental response to their outrageously selfish ways won’t put a dent in their behavior.

Oh, and let’s not forget the covert masters of the game, especially the women. They’ve perfected the art of dispelling backhanded compliments, all cleverly masked with plausible deniability. It’s a timeless charade passed down through generations. But let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I’m utterly fed up with this tiresome song and dance.

amwriting, books, Human Interest, Inspiration, Opinion, politics, Reflection, Revelations

An Army Family Now – Proud & Scared

Copyright 2019 – Rebecca Nietert

The day I witnessed my 24-year-old son make the selfless decision to join the Army, it was a bittersweet moment. As I saw him willingly trade his fully successful and independent life for the service of our U.S. Government, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride mixed with sadness. The pride in his eyes mirrored my own, but the weight of his sacrifice brought tears to my eyes that seemed to last for days.

Today, however, I find myself rekindled with a newfound purpose in my own life. Thoughts of my son and our last conversations linger in my mind. I replay every word he spoke to me, trying to understand the reasons behind his choice to enlist in the Army.

To some, I may come across as ungrateful or lacking in appreciation for his decision. But let me assure you, I am immensely proud that my son would willingly surrender his own freedom for the sake of protecting ours. Such a choice in itself is incredibly honorable.

Yet, I can’t deny that I am plagued with a mixture of pensiveness, apprehension, and fear. It stems from the understanding that not every young man who enters the Army returns home unscathed. Perhaps it’s the things I have witnessed and the experiences that have befallen me, experiences that many people haven’t had the misfortune of encountering.

But in the midst of my concerns, I have faith in the well-oiled machinery of the military, and the countless brave men and women who have selflessly served before my son. They have all contributed to the safety and security of our nation, and I believe my son will join their ranks.

Though my heart aches with worry, I know that he enters this noble profession with the utmost dedication and a mind ready for the challenges ahead. I trust that he will be equipped with the training, support, and camaraderie necessary to face any adversity that may lie in his path. And though there will undoubtedly be difficult moments, I am hopeful that the positive impact he will make and the growth he will experience will far outweigh the struggles.

So, as a proud parent, I stand behind my son’s decision to serve, and I am grateful for every individual who chooses to defend our freedoms. This is a calling that requires tremendous courage, commitment, and sacrifice. It’s a choice that not everyone is willing or able to make.

To all the brave individuals who have willingly entered the military, to those who have served before, and to those who continue to serve today, we owe an immeasurable debt of gratitude. It is because of their unwavering dedication that we can enjoy the liberties we hold dear.

While my heart may remain heavy with worry, I have faith in the resilience and strength of our armed forces. They are the guardians of our nation, the protectors of our way of life. And I am proud to be the parent of a soldier who has answered the honorable call to serve.

amwriting, books, Clubs, fiction, Human Interest, Inspiration, Novels, Opinion, Reflection, Revelations

Embracing Our Differences: A Journey Towards Self-Acceptance and Peace

Copyright 2018 – Rebecca Nietert

In the midst of the upcoming holiday season, we often find ourselves reflecting upon our family dynamics and the effort it takes to maintain harmony. However, we must also pause to question why we push ourselves so hard to keep the peace. Drawing from personal experiences, this blog invites you on a transformative journey of self-acceptance, triumphing over judgment, and embracing the beauty of our differences.

An Outsider Amongst My Own:

Throughout the years, I have faced unjust judgments and critiques from my own family members. Being labeled as “weird,” “emotional,” or “worthless” left deep wounds that persisted until I reached adulthood. The dissimilarity in physical appearance only added to the feeling of being an outsider. While my family boasted their stunning brunetteness, olive skin, and hourglass figures, I stood tall with lanky arms, long legs, and a slender frame. I became the “white sheep,” feeling detached from my own kin.

The Healing Journey:

The wounds inflicted by loved ones can take time to heal, but the power to mend lies within ourselves. It was in the year 1998, during a transformative seminar, that the first cracks in the stronghold of self-doubt emerged. The seminar allowed me to realize that accepting my uniqueness was not a weakness but a strength. Embracing our differences becomes a powerful catalyst for personal growth and liberation from the shackles of judgment.

Finding Peace Within:

When faced with unfair judgments, it is vital to recognize that the shortcomings lie within the criticizers themselves. The hurtful remarks are often born out of their own insecurities or limited perspectives. By understanding this, we can shift our focus from seeking external approval to nurturing the peace within ourselves. It is this inner peace that empowers us to rise above the negativity and fuel our journey towards self-acceptance.

The Gift of Diversity:

Our world is a tapestry woven with the vibrant threads of diversity. Each unique characteristic and perspective adds to the beauty and richness of our human experience. Instead of allowing our differences to divide us, let us celebrate them as the source of inspiration and growth. The kaleidoscope of backgrounds, appearances, and abilities is what makes our collective existence truly extraordinary.

Embracing Unconditional Love:

Family ties can be complex and often challenge our sense of self-worth. However, we must remember that love knows no boundaries or conditions. By perpetuating love and compassion towards ourselves and others, we create space for understanding and acceptance to flourish. Unconditional love becomes the cornerstone for rebuilding fractured relationships and fostering a harmonious atmosphere within our family circles.


Dear readers, as we navigate the holiday season, let us embark on a journey of self-acceptance and embrace the beauty of our differences. Release the burden of seeking validation from others and instead focus on celebrating your uniqueness. By finding peace within ourselves, we can inspire a ripple effect of acceptance and understanding in our families and beyond.

Together, we can create a more inclusive world, where judgment gives way to empathy, and where every individual is celebrated for the diverse tapestry they bring. As you gather with loved ones during this time, remember that your differences are not flaws, but badges of strength, resilience, and individuality.

May your journey be filled with self-love, acceptance, and an unwavering belief in the power of embracing our differences. Together, let us rewrite the narrative and cultivate a future brimming with unity and peace.

Remember, you are extraordinary.

Human Interest, Inspiration, Opinion, Reflection, Revelations, The Children

Navigating the Storm: Understanding the Mean Teenage Phase

Copyright 2018 – Rebecca Nietert

Parenting is a wondrous journey filled with love, joy, and challenges. As our children transition from childhood to adolescence, we sometimes find ourselves puzzled by their sudden transformation. In this blog, we will explore the enigmatic phase of teenage meanness and seek to understand the underlying reasons behind it. Remember, you are not alone on this rollercoaster ride of parenting, and together we can navigate the storm and guide our children towards kindness and growth.

1. The Whirlwind of Adolescence:

The onset of adolescence brings a host of physical, emotional, and hormonal changes. These developments often lead to heightened emotions and the manifestation of unpredictable behavior. While it may seem as if your once tender-hearted child has transformed into someone unrecognizable, it is essential to remember that beneath the surface lies the same loving spirit.

2. The Struggles Within:

Teenagers face a myriad of challenges during this phase. As they strive for independence, they grapple with issues of identity, self-esteem, peer pressure, and the daunting task of navigating their ever-changing world. It is crucial to acknowledge and empathize with the internal struggles that may contribute to their momentary meanness.

3. Responding with Love:

When faced with hurtful words or actions from our teenage children, it is natural to feel hurt and frustrated. However, responding with love and understanding can create a safe space for communication and growth. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a moment to reflect on their underlying needs and find ways to guide them towards healthier forms of self-expression.

4. Setting Boundaries:

While it is important to respond with love, it is equally essential to establish clear boundaries. Communicate your expectations and values, and hold your child accountable for their actions. By setting consistent boundaries, we teach them that kindness and respect are non-negotiable aspects of relationships.

5. Nurturing Emotional Connection:

Maintaining a strong emotional connection with your teenager is crucial during this phase. Ensure that they feel heard, valued, and loved even when their behavior may suggest otherwise. Open up avenues for honest conversations, actively listen to their concerns, and provide support without judgment. These actions can foster a sense of trust and keep the lines of communication open.


The teenage phase, with its tumultuous mix of emotions and changes, can indeed present challenges for both parents and children. However, by understanding the underlying factors contributing to their meanness, responding with love and empathy, setting appropriate boundaries, and nurturing an emotional connection, we can guide our children towards rediscovering their inherent kindness. Remember, this phase is temporary, and with patience, understanding, and unwavering love, we can weather the storm together and witness the remarkable transformation of our children into compassionate and resilient adults.

Hold onto hope, for beneath the temporary clouds of teenage meanness, the sun of their innate kindness will always shine.

Human Interest, Opinion, Reflection, Revelations, The Children

Harnessing the Power of Understanding in Parenting: Nurturing Resilience in Children

Copyright 2018 – Rebecca Nietert

Parenthood is a remarkable journey filled with joy, laughter, and unconditional love. Yet, it also presents us with moments of bewilderment and frustration as we navigate the complexities of parenting. We can find ourselves questioning why our children sometimes seem oblivious to the consequences of their actions, leaving us feeling exasperated and at a loss. Today, let us embark on a quest to explore the intricacies of the parent-child dynamic and discover the keys to fostering resilience in our children.

Understanding the Challenge:

As parents, we possess a wide range of skills and talents. We may excel in various domains, such as intellect or problem-solving, yet struggle to comprehend the rationale behind our children’s behavior. It is essential to recognize that children, in their innocent and developing minds, may not always understand the link between their actions and consequences. This realization can lay the foundation for fostering resilience and nurturing effective communication.

The Importance of Perspective:

Drawing inspiration from the challenges faced by parents in popular culture, such as those depicted in the Bill Cosby show, we find solace in the fact that we are not alone. The experiences shared by fictional characters mirror the struggles encountered by parents worldwide. Through empathy and understanding, we can begin to unravel the complexities of parenting and forge stronger connections with our children.

Building Bridges of Understanding:

1. Practicing Open Communication: Encouraging open dialogue with our children creates a safe space for them to express themselves freely. Active listening and empathy help bridge the gap between generations, fostering trust and mutual understanding.

2. Setting Age-Appropriate Expectations: Recognizing that children’s cognitive abilities and moral compasses are still developing allows us to establish realistic expectations. Clear guidelines and consistency in enforcing consequences help children better grasp the cause-and-effect relationship within their actions.

3. Promoting Emotional Intelligence: Teaching children to understand and manage their emotions empowers them to make conscious choices. By guiding them towards empathy and self-awareness, we can help them navigate the complexities of their own emotions and those of others.

4. Encouraging Self-Reflection: Providing opportunities for our children to reflect on their behavior, both positive and negative, instills a sense of responsibility and self-awareness. Journaling, meditation, or simply engaging in meaningful conversations foster introspection and growth.

Embracing Resilience Together:

Resilience is a lifelong journey, and teaching our children to embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth is an invaluable gift. By fostering understanding and empathy, we equip them with the skills needed to navigate the challenges of life with resilience and fortitude.


Dear parents, let us remember that our children’s journey towards understanding and resilience is a shared one. As we navigate the seemingly complex world of parenting, let empathy and understanding guide our actions. By fostering an environment rooted in open communication, age-appropriate expectations, emotional intelligence, and self-reflection, we set the stage for our children to flourish. Together, let us nurture resilience within our children, empowering them to embrace life’s challenges with courage, determination, and unwavering love.

Human Interest, Inspiration, Reflection, Revelations, The Children

The Trials and Tribulations of Parenting: Tales of the “Epically Unfun”

Copyright 2018 – Rebecca Nietert

Greetings, fellow readers! Today, we embark on a journey into the bewildering world of parenting. Join me as we navigate the treacherous waters of misunderstood expectations and grapple with the infuriating dynamics between parent and child. Strap in, for this one might get a bit bumpy!


1. The Myth of Decent, Happy Beings

Ah, the euphoria of parenthood, where we envision our little bundles of joy as perfect, angelic beings. Alas, reality strikes when we realize that these precious creatures can also be expertly skilled in the art of pushing our buttons and turning our world upside down. Is it too much to ask for them to be decent and happy little souls?

2. The Epic Failures of Expectations

As parents, we anticipate that our children will reciprocate the love and care we provide, understanding the inherent value in appreciation and cooperation. However, it appears that our expectations are fundamentally flawed. Instead of gratitude, we are met with defiance, lies, complaints, and an abundance of teenage drama. Are we truly asking for too much?

3. Unraveling the Pleasant Facade

It’s a peculiar phenomenon – children can be absolute angels when they are at the receiving end of our doting and showered with gifts and affection. But dare to express disappointment or dissatisfaction, and suddenly they transform into pint-sized devils, complete with eye rolls and a mastery of lip speak. It’s enough to make any parent question their sanity!

4. Lessons in Reciprocation

As parents, we provide our children with countless opportunities and blessings, despite the challenges and losses we may have faced. It’s reasonable to expect gratitude and cooperation in return, as part of the natural give-and-take of a family dynamic. Unfortunately, these concepts seem to elude our dear offspring, much to our dismay.

5. Navigating the Unfun Parenthood

While it may be disheartening to face the reality that our role as a parent often comes with an “epically unfun” label, we must persevere. By establishing clear boundaries, instilling values, and consistently addressing inappropriate behavior, we can hope to guide our children towards becoming responsible, respectful individuals. It may not be a smooth ride, but it’s a journey worth taking.


Parenting proves to be a humbling experience, often testing our patience and challenging our sanity. We must acknowledge that our expectations of our children may not always align with their developing personalities and abilities. However, we must remain steadfast in our efforts to shape them into compassionate, responsible individuals who understand the value of reciprocation.

Remember, you are not alone in this epic battle of expectations and disappointments. Together, we can weather the storms of eye rolls, lip speak, and occasional exasperation, knowing that the journey of parenthood, though rocky, is one that brings immeasurable joy and love.

Wishing you strength in your parenting endeavors, even in the face of epic unfun-ness!

Word Count: 495 words


The Power of Embracing Pain: A Journey Towards Healing

Copyright 2012 – Rebecca Nietert

In a world where pain often feels like an unbearable burden, we discover fascinating mechanisms to shield ourselves from its grasp. For years, I developed a coping mechanism—a way to shut my eyes, tell myself to forget, and bury the pain deep within. This ability seemed almost magical, allowing me to process emotions faster than those around me. However, as time went on, I realized that my avoidance of pain was not a sign of strength, but rather a fear that held me captive. Join me on a journey towards embracing our pain, discovering the true strength within, and finding healing in unexpected places.

1. The Illusion of Strength: The Art of Suppression

To the outside world, my ability to swiftly move past painful experiences made me appear stronger than I truly felt. However, deep down, I knew that suppressing pain was not the same as overcoming it. In fact, my avoidance only perpetuated its existence, leaving behind unresolved emotions that festered beneath the surface. By acknowledging the illusory nature of this facade, we can begin to unravel the truth about strength and resilience.

2. The Power of Vulnerability: Breaking Free from Fear

Fear holds us prisoner, preventing us from confronting our pain and inhibiting our emotional and spiritual growth. By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, to acknowledge and feel the depths of our pain, we open a gateway to finding true healing. It’s important to embrace the uncomfortable, for it is within vulnerability that we discover our strength and resilience.

3. The Healing Path: Embracing Pain as a Catalyst for Growth

Rather than avoiding pain, we can view it as a transformative force that leads us towards personal growth and healing. Through therapy and self-reflection, I gradually learned that healing cannot occur in the absence of pain; it is through embracing and processing our pain that we gain invaluable insights and develop newfound resilience. It is in the darkest moments that we discover our capacity to rise above adversity.

4. The Courage to Forgive: A Journey Towards Liberation

In our quest for healing, forgiveness plays a crucial role. However, forgiveness is not about denying the pain or excusing the actions that caused it; it is about releasing ourselves from the burdens of resentment and allowing ourselves to move forward. By embracing the vulnerability to forgive, we free ourselves from the clutches of pain, finding liberation and inner peace.

5. The Beauty of Resilience: Empowering Ourselves with Compassion

Through the process of embracing pain, we cultivate resilience—an inner strength that allows us to navigate the complexities of life with grace and compassion. Resilience is not about shutting ourselves off from pain, but about acknowledging its existence, learning from it, and using our experiences to empathize with others on their journeys.


While the world may perceive our ability to process pain quickly as strength, true strength lies in our willingness to face it head-on. The journey towards healing requires us to embrace our pain, be vulnerable, and forgive. By exploring the depths of our emotions and finding the courage to heal, we unravel the transformative power within, paving the way for growth, resilience, and a profound understanding of ourselves and others. Remember, in our collective journey towards embracing pain, we discover the true essence of strength and the unimaginable beauty of healing.