
By The Grace of God – Loves Journey

Copyright 2015 – Rebecca Nietert

This past week, the world was filled with stories that shook us to our core. One particular story shared by a Facebook friend left me with a heavy heart. They suggested that the devastating earthquake in Nepal was a result of a few ignorant individuals committing a horrific act. According to their belief, it was a punishment from God, affecting the entire region. But the God they spoke of is not the loving God I know.

The God I know is one of compassion and mercy. He is the one who rescues lives and brings justice without causing harm to the innocent. When I read that post, my response was not anger, but deep sadness. I couldn’t help but feel heartbroken that my friend might not know the same loving God that I do.

It made me ponder on a different scenario – if the woman who, in a fit of fearful rage, violently slapped and shouted profanities at her young son had Jesus standing directly behind her, would she have still acted that way? And if we were to witness this scene with Jesus present, would we put her actions on a pedestal as justified rage? Or would we recognize that Jesus, in his infinite love, would never condone such behavior?

The truth is, we live in a world where pain and anger often cloud our judgment. But amidst it all, I believe in finding solace in the unwavering love of God. A love that calls us to be kind, compassionate, and understanding. It reminds us that we have the power to choose a different path, to break the cycle of rage and hurt.

In these trying times, let us hold onto the belief that there is always room for redemption and forgiveness. Let us strive to be the embodiment of love, offering grace where it is needed most. For it is through our actions that we can truly reflect the loving God we know and share that love with others.

In this narrative of life, let us choose to be agents of compassion and understanding, bringing light to a world that often seems engulfed in darkness.


Embracing the Power of Choice: Discovering Your Purpose

Copyright 2015 – Rebecca Nietert

Have you ever found yourself waking up in the morning, questioning your purpose in life? Feeling like you’re distant from where you envisioned yourself to be? It’s a common struggle, but what if I told you that the truth lies in the choices we make and the narratives we tell ourselves? In this blog, we will explore the transformative power of taking responsibility for our lives, finding authenticity amidst the noise, and embracing the freedom to shape our own destiny.


1. The Courage to Redirect:

In the pursuit of our purpose, it takes immense courage to confront our own attitudes and actions. By acknowledging the power of retrospection, we open ourselves up to redirection and growth. Embrace the courage to question your choices, and actively seek opportunities to realign yourself with the path that leads to personal fulfillment.

2. Uncovering the Layers of Truth:

Truth is often multifaceted, with different perspectives and narratives at play. Recognize that your truth, the stories we tell ourselves, and the influence of external opinions may not always align with the real truth. Dismantle the lies and excuses that hold you back, allowing the authenticity of your purpose to shine through.

3. Taking Ownership of Your Life:

It’s important to realize that the life you are living today is a culmination of your choices, whether conscious or unconscious. You possess the power to design and redefine your life based on your genuine desires. Acknowledge that you have the capacity to author your own story and to shape the future you truly desire.

4. Embracing the Gift of Choice:

Every day presents us with an abundance of choices. It is within these choices that we find our true power. Embrace the gift of choice and recognize that even if your present circumstances are not ideal, you have the ability to make new choices that align with your aspirations. Empower yourself by embracing the freedom to consciously create your path.

5. Cultivating Authenticity:

Amidst societal expectations and external pressures, staying true to ourselves is essential on the journey towards purpose. When we remove the masks and embrace our authentic selves, we are able to align our choices with our genuine desires. Embracing authenticity empowers us to live a life that feels fulfilling and true to our innermost being.


Finding one’s purpose is an ever-evolving journey that requires introspection, courage, and the ability to claim ownership of our lives. Remember, the narratives we tell ourselves and the choices we make hold the power to shape our reality. Embrace the responsibility and the freedom to craft a life that aligns with your passions and values.

Release the notion that life happens to you, and step into the realization that life unfolds through you. Embrace the power within you to create a purpose-driven existence that resonates with the deepest core of your being.

As the great philosopher Søren Kierkegaard once said, “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” Embrace the transformative power of choice, and venture forth boldly towards a life of purpose.

Remember, your purpose is waiting to be discovered. Will you take the first step towards your authentic path today?